The International Thinking Team!
Developing children's thinking is one of the most important areas for us as educators and parents. The ability to solve problems, consider difficult decisions, analyze situations, deal with success and failure, be creative, and more are all important skills for academic success and a toolbox for life. Developing thinking is a long and complex process; it requires practice and determination. It is a long journey that continues even when we are adults—a journey of gaining insights, developing self-awareness, acquiring tools and strategies, and self-learning. We have created for your child a thinking journey that combines the group with the individual, the depth and complexity of the thinking skills, the fun and accessibility of the game, the interest in learning, and the competition's excitement. We invite you to participate in the International Thinking Team - to make your child's thinking a habit, a way of life.
Medzinárodná olympiáda Accelium
The Accelium Olympics are Olympiáda Accelium je online vzdelávacia súťaž v hraní strategických a logických počítačových hier. Podnecuje predstavivosť žiakov a rozvíja ich životné zručnosti, ako sú riešenie problémov, plánovanie, osobná zodpovednosť, adaptácia na zmeny, schopnosť sústrediť sa a vytrvalosť. Zaregistrujte sa ihneď!